Tuesday 13 March 2012


If we accept the Doctors theory (Blink season 3) that time is not, contrary to popular belief, a strict progression of cause to affect but rather a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff. Admittedly this is not very understandable. Imagine a race track with all runners starting at the same point and finishing at the same point, in a straight line therefore a strict proggression of cause to affect. Now imagine a fish bowl containing several types of fish all going a different direction in different ways or if you like wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff. This then means that we are in a metaphorical fish. A fish being an era in time we are but a scale on a very small fish in an endless flowing orb of time. This makes us seem very small and insignificant but quite to the contrary we are a a very small thing that makes up a far bigger thing much like how atoms make up everything around us we are part of a far bigger universe which may in fact be a speck in a far bigger multiverse this can theoretically go on for ever however this is bringing me off my point. I am not saying that anything I have mentioned above is correct but merely it is a theory. One of a milion, million theories only few of which have any merrit at all. This is simply an interesting thought that I decided to discuss.

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